Custom Bicycle Paint
Our paint shop is staffed by experienced painters with backgrounds in fine arts. We'll paint your bike like new, or custom just to you.
Get Free QuoteAt TW Carbon we strive for the highest quality paint jobs in the industry.
Clean the Frame
Each frame we receive is stripped to it's bare substraight.
Primer & Sealer
The frame is primed and sealed to ensure that the frame will hold the new paint
Final Coats
Regardless of the paint job, all of our paint jobs are finished with a durable clear coat to protect the frame for years
Prepping the Frame

Prepping the Frame
Whether we are painting a Carbon Fiber Repair or custom painting something completely unique to you, the paint job is only as good as the foundation. We meticulously remove all the factory paint by hand to ensure the new paint will spray on clean.
Base Coats

Base Coats
With the frame clean and sanded we begin to apply the base layers. This layer of primers and sealers ensures that the paint will spray onto the frame smooth and ensure that it adheres completely. This will often take 2-3 coats to ensure industry-leading results.
Unlimited Paint Options

Unlimited Paint Options
TWCarbon uses automotive-quality water-based paints. We are able to mix any colors we need to achieve the results you’re after. The only limitations are the imagination of our customers and our painters.

TWCarbon does all graphics and logos in-house. These custom additions (or factory recreations) are always done in paint; we never use stickers.
Industry Leading Finishes

Industry Leading Finishes
Every custom paint job regardless of the final finish will get a high solids gloss clear coat. This serves two purposes, one it allows us to sand the clear back to “bury” the paint lines created when masking and creating designs and logos. Not only does this ensure a durable finish that will last for years, we often produce results better than from the factory.